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A true elder of organic farming, this author/farmer shares tales from the movement's early days, reflecting on its past and discussing its future. Having served in the USDA when the organic rules were written, Grace Gershuny has a unique vantage point on this process, the end result, and the contradictions and prospects that face the organic movement going forward. It's the story of how the organic revolution became rooted well before the federal government cared to notice, and the personal, political, and practical struggles that ensued in the heroic effort to move it beyond farmers' markets and into supermarkets. Organic Revolutionary challenges both the conventional wisdom of "agribusiness as usual" and the alternative wisdom of organic as an assurance of purity or a "gold standard," and raises questions that are not addressed elsewhere. This revised and expanded third edition includes a new forward by Brian Tokar. 


Organic Revolutionary is an important message about the historic and current place of organic agriculture in the good food movement, how the integrity of organic has been challenged, and the opportunity that organic agriculture holds to promote planetary health.



Enid Wonnacott, former Executive Director, NOFA-Vermont



Soil Health & Community Resilience: Stories from the North


NOFA-VT Winter Conference Keynote Panel


Climate & Food Justice Course


Details coming soon...


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